Friday, August 14, 2009

Acts 17:11-12


Let’s see what we’ve agreed on:

(1) The Bereans are Jews.
(2) They have “Scriptures” which is the Old Testament only.
(3) St. Paul comes into their synagogue and explains to them the Gospel.
(4) After hearing Paul’s explanation of Christ’s teachings they consult the Old Testament to check if the claims made by Paul match the Old Testament prophecies.
(5) Paul’s claims match the Old Testament prophecies, so the Bereans accept Paul’s teachings.

Now, from the above, we draw different conclusions:

You say this means that “Scriptures” is the final authority, not the Church.

I say all the above means is what happened: the Bereans used Scriptures to see if Paul’s claims match the prophecies of Scripure. It does not at all mean one uses the Bible as a checklist for all Christian doctrines.

Here’s why I’m saying what I’ve said.

“Scripture” in Acts 17:11-12 refers to the Old Testament. There was no New Testament then, so it is wrong for you to claim, as you do now, that the BIBLE is the final authority on questions of faith, morals, and discipline. Or are you changing your statement now and saying the “Scriptures” in Acts 17:11-12 includes the New Testament?

I doubt you will, so let me shoot another question: Do you believe, then, that the Old Testament is sufficient as a rule of faith, and we can now ditch the New Testament? Is that what you’re saying?

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